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Last additions: May, 25th 2007: April, 26th 2007: Apr, 10th. 2007: | 
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Details of www-apps/webdavcgi:
Description: A Perl CGI for accessing and sharing files, or calendar/addressbooks via WebDAV
available versions:
releases | alpha | amd64 | arm | hppa | ia64 | mips | ppc | ppc64 | ppc macos | s390 | sh | sparc | x86 | USE-Flags | dependencies | ebuild warnings |
webdavcgi-1.1.2 |
- | ~ | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | afs git kerberos ldap mysql pdf postgres rcs samba +sqlite +suid
| show | You have the 'suid' USE flag disabled
WebDAV CGI won't be able to switch user ids
In order to allow different users to create and share files,
some directories were installed with world write access by default.
To set restrictive permissions, add all WebDAV CGI users to a
common group, and allow access to the following directories by this
group only.
Temp directories: /var/tmp/${PN}/${SLOT}/default/*
SQLite directory: ${SQLITEDIR}
show |
Legend: + stable~ testing- not availablesome ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown. Tutorials: no tutorial found