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Last additions: May, 25th 2007: April, 26th 2007: Apr, 10th. 2007: | 
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Details of dev-ruby/tins:
Description: All the stuff that isn't good enough for a real library
available versions:
releases | alpha | amd64 | arm | hppa | ia64 | mips | ppc | ppc64 | ppc macos | s390 | sh | sparc | x86 | USE-Flags | dependencies | ebuild warnings |
tins-1.38.0 |
~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | - | - | ~ | ~ | - | - | - | ~ | ~ | test
| show | show | tins-1.37.1 |
~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | - | - | ~ | ~ | - | - | - | ~ | ~ | test
| show | show | tins-1.37.0 |
~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | - | - | ~ | ~ | - | - | - | ~ | ~ | test
| show | show | tins-1.36.1 |
~ | + | + | ~ | - | - | + | + | - | - | - | ~ | + | test
| show | show |
Legend: + stable~ testing- not availablesome ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown. Known bugs:
bug ID | component | assigned to | status | description | last change |
370199 | Core system | cron-bugs | UNCONFIRMED | sys-process/anacron-2.3-r2 should use elog instead of einfo in pkg_postinst() | 2011-06-06 01:56:38 |
373635 | Ebuilds | net-dialup | UNCONFIRMED | net-dialup/ppp: add postinst message for break compatibility with dependent packages | 2011-07-01 01:38:55 |
392769 | Applications | patrick | UNCONFIRMED | app-emulation/virtualbox-guest-additions-4.1.6-r1 fails to build from /etc/kernel/postinst.d - make[ | 2012-03-14 22:38:37 |
421821 | Printing | printing | UNCONFIRMED | app-text/libpaper-1.1.24-r1 bad postinst message | 2013-02-14 02:27:35 |
435334 | Applications | qmail-bugs | UNCONFIRMED | mail-mta/netqmail-1.06 - pkg_postinst(): queue-repair failed | 2012-10-14 19:09:10 |
438730 | Core system | kernel-misc | UNCONFIRMED | Sandbox violations when emerging kernel modules from /etc/kernel/postinst.d hook against a kernel bu | 2012-11-05 03:29:40 |
444602 | Applications | virtualization | UNCONFIRMED | app-emulation/virtinst-0.600.3 - Exception in thread Checking storage allocation | 2013-02-16 18:03:56 |
448910 | Applications | qmail-bugs | UNCONFIRMED | mail-mta/netqmail-1.06 - Force python version to 2.x. - pkg_postinst - SyntaxError: invalid token "0 | 2012-12-28 13:08:59 |
453832 | Core | toolchain | UNCONFIRMED | sys-devel/gcc-4.6.3: hangs in pkg_postinst | 2013-01-31 20:11:38 |
455690 | Server | net-dialup | UNCONFIRMED | net-dialup/freeradius-2.2.0 pkg_postinstall() hint not working | 2013-02-07 16:30:11 |
458518 | Core system | base-system | UNCONFIRMED | =net-misc/iputils-20121221-r1 needs sys-libs/libcap in pkg_postinst() | 2013-02-21 10:14:40 |