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Details of media-plugins/live:
Description: Libraries for standards-based RTP/RTCP/RTSP multimedia streaming
available versions:
releases | alpha | amd64 | arm | hppa | ia64 | mips | ppc | ppc64 | ppc macos | s390 | sh | sparc | x86 | USE-Flags | dependencies | ebuild warnings |
live-2025.01.17 |
~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | - | ~ | ~ | ~ | - | - | - | ~ | ~ | ssl tools
| show | show | live-2024.10.31 |
~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | - | ~ | ~ | ~ | - | - | - | ~ | ~ | ssl tools
| show | show | live-2021.08.24 |
~ | + | + | ~ | - | ~ | + | + | - | - | - | ~ | + | ssl
| show | show |
Legend: + stable~ testing- not availablesome ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown. Known bugs:
bug ID | component | assigned to | status | description | last change |
370429 | Unspecified | livecd | UNCONFIRMED | splash-themes-livecd-2011 bump!!! | 2012-02-11 09:25:00 |
370819 | LiveCD/DVD | ten | UNCONFIRMED | LiveDVD 11.0 nox option causes init respawn | 2011-10-26 19:03:54 |
383353 | Core system | maintainer-wanted | UNCONFIRMED | sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-9999: new live git ebuild | 2011-11-07 01:47:25 |
384401 | Other | alt | UNCONFIRMED | app-text/texlive-core-2011-r4: failed to compile on prefix/Mac OSX | 2011-09-25 06:48:07 |
385155 | Ebuilds | maintainer-needed | UNCONFIRMED | net-misc/axel-9999: please add live ebuild | 2012-07-06 15:17:03 |
385297 | Games | joker | UNCONFIRMED | games-emulation/mupen64plus-9999 live ebuild / prep for 2.0 | 2012-06-25 09:16:03 |
386509 | Ebuilds | web-apps | UNCONFIRMED | www-apps/trac-git live git ebuild | 2011-10-11 07:02:02 |
390943 | Ebuilds | x11 | UNCONFIRMED | [x11 overlay] x11-apps/intel-gpu-tools: add live ebuild | 2012-08-26 14:09:05 |
395109 | Unspecified | lu_zero | UNCONFIRMED | media-video/lives-1.4.6 "Capture External Window" fails to render video; errors in console | 2011-12-19 12:16:42 |
397987 | Ebuilds | web-apps | UNCONFIRMED | www-apps/ampache-9999 LiveVCS ebuild | 2012-01-08 16:52:08 |
401523 | Applications | x11 | UNCONFIRMED | x11-apps/xdm-1.1.11: does not start from within a chrooted environment if LiveDVD was booted with no | 2012-01-31 19:37:14 |
402101 | Applications | maintainer-wanted | UNCONFIRMED | media-video/mplayer-vaapi live ebuild request | 2012-11-12 21:03:16 |
404141 | Ebuilds | djc | UNCONFIRMED | dev-db/couchdb-9999: add live ebuild | 2012-02-16 16:27:47 |
411231 | Applications | media-video | UNCONFIRMED | media-plugins/live-2012.01.07 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld -olibliveMedia.a: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: -f | 2012-04-10 13:19:50 |
415413 | Applications | livecd | UNCONFIRMED | 2013-01-20 10:21:21 | |
415423 | Ebuilds | tex | UNCONFIRMED | update moderncv (included in dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra) | 2013-01-09 16:50:56 |
416021 | Applications | media-tv | UNCONFIRMED | app-misc/lirc-*: livedrive_midi.c: livedrive_rec_midi fails to see SYSEX_END until logprintf(…) is a | 2012-12-02 02:09:04 |
416199 | Ebuilds | graphics | UNCONFIRMED | media-gfx/sxiv-9999: live ebuild request | 2012-05-16 11:41:18 |
416227 | Ebuilds | email | UNCONFIRMED | media-gfx/splash-themes-livedvd: missing execute bit on /etc/splash/livedvd-12.0/scripts/* | 2012-10-29 21:32:09 |
417007 | LiveCD/DVD | ten | UNCONFIRMED | LIVEDVD 12.1 amd64 - screen does not work | 2012-05-26 22:48:51 |
417871 | LiveCD/DVD | ten | UNCONFIRMED | 12.1 amd64 livedvd sshd default configuration AllowUsers line makes usage difficult | 2012-07-08 17:05:19 |
426472 | Ebuilds | media-video | UNCONFIRMED | media-plugins/live-2012.06.26: QA: compile: please use append-cppflags for preprocessor flags | 2012-07-18 15:11:05 |
428680 | LiveCD/DVD | ten | UNCONFIRMED | livedvd-amd64-multilib-2012.1.iso kernel panic | 2012-12-16 06:02:00 |
429998 | Third-Party Tools | fauli | UNCONFIRMED | app-portage/g-ctan-2011.1 blocks >=app-text/texlive-2012 | 2012-11-23 15:46:37 |
433127 | Applications | lu_zero | UNCONFIRMED | media-video/lives-1.6.3 version bump | 2012-11-14 19:05:41 |
437090 | Server | cluster | UNCONFIRMED | sys-cluster/keepalived-1.2.7-r1 "ip number count" errors | 2012-10-03 18:20:57 |
437118 | Ebuilds | dotnet | UNCONFIRMED | dev-lang/mono-9999 - git master live ebuild | 2012-10-04 18:35:50 |
437122 | Ebuilds | dotnet | UNCONFIRMED | dev-dotnet/xsp-9999 - live ebuild request | 2012-10-04 03:37:28 |
438782 | Ebuilds | qt | UNCONFIRMED | net-im/qutim-9999 live ebuild | 2012-10-30 13:21:47 |
439912 | LiveCD/DVD | livecd | UNCONFIRMED | app-misc/livecd-tools-2.0.2: DHCP Broadcasting for IP not working | 2012-12-30 00:39:23 |
440212 | Server | grobian | UNCONFIRMED | mail-mta/exim - R=localuser T=local_delivery defer (27): File too large: error while writing to /var | 2012-10-30 16:23:42 |
445722 | Development | cpp | UNCONFIRMED | dev-libs/STLport-9999 - add a live ebuild | 2012-12-03 11:24:22 |
448144 | LiveCD/DVD | ten | UNCONFIRMED | mismatched checksum for x86 amd64 20121221 LiveDVD iso | 2012-12-22 03:06:11 |
448706 | Applications | media-video | UNCONFIRMED | media-plugins/frei0r-plugins-1.3 - defish0r plugin makes kdenlive rendering fail | 2013-02-01 10:32:02 |
449298 | Keywording and Stabilization | tex | UNCONFIRMED | =app-text/texlive-2012: please stabilize | 2013-01-21 17:21:51 |
454728 | LiveCD/DVD | release | UNCONFIRMED | net-setup broken in livecd-tools | 2013-01-30 19:32:04 |
455926 | Prefix Support | prefix | UNCONFIRMED | perl-5.16.2 will install empty if prefix lives in /usr/local | 2013-02-06 22:57:05 |
456292 | Other | ten | UNCONFIRMED | LiveDVD 20121221: Kernel cannot detect BIOS RAID array | 2013-02-10 06:48:14 |
457994 | LiveCD/DVD | ten | UNCONFIRMED | livedvd-amd64-multilib-20121221.iso: kernel panic when booting in kvm with "-cpu host" | 2013-02-18 02:55:55 |