from small one page howto to huge articles all in one place
Last additions: May, 25th 2007: April, 26th 2007: Apr, 10th. 2007: | 
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Details of dev-vcs/cvs:
Description: Concurrent Versions System - source code revision control tools
available versions:
releases | alpha | amd64 | arm | hppa | ia64 | mips | ppc | ppc64 | ppc macos | s390 | sh | sparc | x86 | USE-Flags | dependencies | ebuild warnings |
cvs-1.12.12-r15 |
~ | + | + | ~ | - | ~ | + | + | - | ~ | - | + | + | crypt doc kerberos nls pam selinux server
| show | show |
Legend: + stable~ testing- not availablesome ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown. Known bugs:
bug ID | component | assigned to | status | description | last change |
380647 | Unspecified | dolsen | UNCONFIRMED | app-portage/layman-2.0.0: More complete support for CVS | 2012-02-28 05:33:36 |
412715 | Ebuilds | proaudio | UNCONFIRMED | media-plugins/swh-plugins: please remove obsolete DEPEND="dev-vcs/cvs" | 2012-04-21 17:31:26 |
440436 | Applications | cvs-utils | UNCONFIRMED | dev-vcs/cvs-1.12.12-r6: some elog messages should only be shown for the first install. | 2012-10-31 16:11:44 |
443086 | Ebuilds | idl0r | UNCONFIRMED | media-plugins/vdr-xineliboutput-9999 change actual CVS from 9999 to 99999999 | 2012-12-02 22:03:17 |
445760 | Applications | idl0r | UNCONFIRMED | media-plugins/vdr-xineliboutput-9999 CVS-Server: Connection reset by peer | 2012-12-04 15:07:50 |
454218 | CVS/SVN/Git | infra-bugs | UNCONFIRMED | Unconfirmed reports of anonvcs (specifically cvs) failing to sync entirely | 2013-01-26 22:06:35 |