bug ID | component | assigned to | status | description | last change |
211203 | Games | games | UNCONFIRMED | games-rpg/bass: script for getting bass translated | 2011-07-27 09:15:01 |
372933 | Applications | python | UNCONFIRMED | gnome-base/libglade binpkg fails after python upgrade | 2011-06-29 16:11:40 |
373903 | genkernel | genkernel | UNCONFIRMED | sys-kernel/genkernel: initramfs does not open luks container if gpg-encrypted passphases are used | 2011-07-08 17:41:51 |
376125 | Applications | base-system | UNCONFIRMED | net-misc/keychain-2.7.1 does not store gpg keys | 2012-09-19 20:23:16 |
377817 | Ebuilds | hanno | UNCONFIRMED | [hanno overlay] net-im/gajim-9999 Please split crypt USE to otr, gpg and new for E2E | 2011-08-05 08:55:52 |
382111 | Library | graphics | UNCONFIRMED | media-libs/libpgf-6.11.28: fails to build on ppc | 2011-09-09 00:09:11 |
384509 | Ebuilds | tex | UNCONFIRMED | Upgrade app-text/xindy to 2.4-1 | 2011-09-26 09:45:29 |
386751 | Applications | perl | UNCONFIRMED | dev-lang/perl-5.12.4-r1: 2 files left after upgrade and "perl-cleaner --all" | 2012-07-14 17:16:36 |
395609 | Hardened | hardened | UNCONFIRMED | sys-devel/gcc-4.5.3-r2 is aware but does not honor libssp USE flag, breaking glibc upgrades | 2012-01-30 01:11:12 |
399087 | Applications | tex | UNCONFIRMED | dev-tex/pgf-2.10: Undefined control sequence "\pgf@test" | 2012-01-17 04:11:17 |
402027 | Ebuilds | python | UNCONFIRMED | dev-python/django-1.3.1 with dev-python/psycopg-2.4.2 fails app/project tests | 2012-04-28 20:35:29 |
402741 | Games | games | UNCONFIRMED | New ebuild: games-rpg/analogue-demo - Analogue: A Hate Story | 2012-02-08 19:14:06 |
402925 | Ebuilds | robbat2 | UNCONFIRMED | dev-libs/yaz-3.0.50 with dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.10-r1[-static-libs] - libtool: grep: /usr/lib/libgp | 2012-02-10 18:05:02 |
406783 | Development | tex | UNCONFIRMED | dev-tex/pgf-2.10: TikZ "callout" positioning problem | 2012-03-05 19:49:20 |
407071 | Applications | zerochaos | UNCONFIRMED | net-analyzer/wireshark-1.6.4[lua] fails to run after upgrade to dev-lang/lua-5.2.0 and will not rebu | 2013-02-16 13:18:51 |
407075 | Applications | netmon | UNCONFIRMED | net-analyzer/nmap USE=lua fails to run after upgrade to dev-lang/lua-5.2.0 and will not rebuild | 2013-01-15 17:07:41 |
413197 | Default | devrel | UNCONFIRMED | cardoe's revoked gpg key on active dev list | 2012-09-07 20:23:54 |
413203 | Default | devrel | UNCONFIRMED | cedk's revoked gpg key on active dev list | 2012-08-15 21:44:38 |
413217 | Default | devrel | UNCONFIRMED | nirbheek's revoked gpg key on active dev list | 2012-08-09 10:43:08 |
413649 | Ebuilds | net-fs | UNCONFIRMED | net-fs/netatalk-2.2.1-r3 broken after upgrade | 2012-04-27 15:10:49 |
414793 | Core system | cluster | UNCONFIRMED | sys-cluster/maui-3.3.1-r2 - ERROR: cannot setpgrp, errno: 1 (Operation not permitted) | 2012-08-06 03:49:46 |
415399 | Ebuilds | fauli | UNCONFIRMED | app-portage/g-ctan-2011.1 does not list pgfplots in CTAN database | 2012-12-16 13:13:12 |
416903 | Applications | livecd | UNCONFIRMED | sys-block/parted-3.1 fails tests [t8001-loop-blkpg.sh t2100-zerolen.sh] | 2012-05-21 14:59:50 |
417561 | Games | games | UNCONFIRMED | games-rpg/monsterrpg2: new ebuild | 2012-10-19 04:48:30 |
419167 | Ebuilds | maintainer-wanted | UNCONFIRMED | games-rpg/bastion-20120529-r2 - an original action role-playing game set in a lush imaginative world | 2012-09-25 08:31:15 |
421325 | Applications | sci-geosciences | UNCONFIRMED | sci-geosciences/osm2pgsql-20100413 with sci-libs/geos-3.3.3 - In function ‘char* get_wkt_simple(osmN | 2012-10-10 14:53:15 |
421435 | Unspecified | robbat2 | UNCONFIRMED | g-cpan fails to install perl-gcpan/Cv-0.12 after perl to 5.16.0 upgrade to and opencv upgrade to 2.4 | 2012-06-29 16:39:10 |
424341 | Games | games | UNCONFIRMED | games-puzzle/enigma prevents upgrade of games-fps/sauerbraten and games-rpg/mana (blocker in slots o | 2012-11-24 03:10:20 |
424854 | Ebuilds | net-mail | UNCONFIRMED | dev-libs/cyrus-2.1.25-r2: subversion lose support for SASL with DIGEST-MD5 after upgrade cyrus-sasl | 2012-07-05 06:54:33 |
424870 | Enhancement/Feature Requests | dev-portage | UNCONFIRMED | sys-*/ upgrade notification in Portage | 2012-09-04 05:42:54 |
427038 | Applications | mozilla | UNCONFIRMED | thunderbird: useflag "crypt" use uncompatible version of enigmail or gnupgp | 2012-07-25 01:52:10 |
427636 | Java | java | UNCONFIRMED | dev-java/bcpg-1.45 ebuild request | 2012-07-22 13:15:13 |
427668 | Ebuilds | sci-geosciences | UNCONFIRMED | sci-geosciences/osm2pgsql-99999999 - support for *.pbf files | 2012-07-24 14:32:27 |
430812 | Tools | tools-portage | UNCONFIRMED | app-portage/gentoolkit - after recent binutils upgrade, revdep-rebuild did not catch libbfd-2.21.1.s | 2012-08-22 19:36:59 |
432804 | Project-specific documentation | php-bugs | UNCONFIRMED | http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/php/php-upgrading.xml multiple small issues | 2012-08-27 10:29:56 |
433004 | Applications | maintainer-needed | UNCONFIRMED | app-office/mdbtools version upgrade 0.7 now on git | 2012-08-28 10:48:54 |
434542 | Applications | mozilla | UNCONFIRMED | www-client/firefox-bin-15.0 is trying to automatically upgrade via Mozilla Upgrade path | 2013-02-20 21:53:50 |
435238 | Applications | net-im | UNCONFIRMED | net-im/pidgin does not detect network connection after upgrading to net-misc/networkmanager- | 2012-09-17 11:35:16 |
440216 | Applications | williamh | UNCONFIRMED | net-misc/dhcpcd-5.6.2 outputs emerge messages only relevant when upgrading from <5.0 | 2012-10-30 15:25:24 |
440532 | Applications | polynomial-c | UNCONFIRMED | app-emulation/virtualbox-modules-4.1.22: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from | 2012-10-31 16:22:12 |
440538 | Applications | fonts | UNCONFIRMED | media-fonts/urw-fonts-2.4.9: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enou | 2012-10-31 16:23:03 |
440542 | Applications | vim | UNCONFIRMED | app-editors/vim-core-7.3.409: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old eno | 2012-10-31 16:23:55 |
440544 | Applications | maintainer-needed | UNCONFIRMED | media-gfx/splashutils- some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old | 2013-01-20 10:24:06 |
440550 | Applications | x11 | UNCONFIRMED | x11-proto/xcb-proto-1.7.1: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enough | 2012-10-31 16:24:16 |
440556 | Core system | base-system | UNCONFIRMED | sys-apps/util-linux-2.21.2: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enoug | 2012-10-31 16:24:34 |
440558 | Applications | robbat2 | UNCONFIRMED | sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.88: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enough packa | 2012-10-31 16:24:58 |
440562 | Core system | base-system | UNCONFIRMED | sys-fs/cryptsetup-1.4.3: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enough p | 2012-10-31 16:25:30 |
440564 | Applications | vim | UNCONFIRMED | app-editors/vim-7.3.409: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enough p | 2012-10-31 16:25:37 |
440566 | Applications | yngwin | UNCONFIRMED | app-vim/gentoo-syntax-20120109: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old e | 2012-10-31 16:25:57 |
440576 | Applications | patrick | UNCONFIRMED | app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite-4.0.1: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading fro | 2012-10-31 16:26:55 |
440578 | Printing | printing | UNCONFIRMED | net-print/cups-1.5.2-r4: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enough p | 2012-10-31 16:27:11 |
440580 | Applications | samba | UNCONFIRMED | net-fs/samba-3.5.15: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enough packa | 2012-10-31 16:27:27 |
440582 | Applications | pam-bugs | UNCONFIRMED | sys-auth/pambase-20101024-r2: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old eno | 2012-10-31 16:27:41 |
440586 | Applications | livecd | UNCONFIRMED | sys-fs/squashfs-tools-4.2: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enough | 2012-10-31 16:28:08 |
440588 | Applications | swegener | UNCONFIRMED | app-misc/screen-4.0.3-r5: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old enough | 2012-10-31 16:28:30 |
440590 | Applications | fonts | UNCONFIRMED | media-libs/freetype-2.4.9-r1: some elog messages should only be shown when upgrading from an old eno | 2012-10-31 16:28:45 |
441874 | Applications | tex | UNCONFIRMED | dev-tex/pgf - neither `texdoc pgfmanual` nor `texdoc pgf` yields pgfmanual.pdf | 2012-11-05 19:00:32 |
442876 | Applications | polynomial-c | UNCONFIRMED | app-emulation/virtualbox-4.2.4: after upgrade some VMs do not start anymore | 2013-01-02 19:55:58 |
444652 | OpenRC | openrc | UNCONFIRMED | Upgrade to OpenRC 0.11.5 breaks services: "You are attempting to run an openrc service on a system w | 2012-12-16 02:58:07 |
447904 | Games | games | UNCONFIRMED | Build games-rpg/pcgen from source with fewer bundled libraries | 2012-12-20 05:10:59 |
448906 | Misc | base-system | UNCONFIRMED | net-firewall/iptables- upgrade does not preserve state matches | 2013-01-02 20:09:23 |
449352 | Games | rich0 | UNCONFIRMED | games-rpg/eternal-lands Assertion `self' failed (runtime error) | 2013-01-03 00:24:17 |
449452 | GNOME | gnome | UNCONFIRMED | gnome-base/gnome-3.6.2: Can't login and GNOME 3.6 Upgrade Guide does not work | 2013-02-19 14:36:57 |
450912 | Ebuilds | maintainer-wanted | UNCONFIRMED | sci-libs/pg2plplot - Assist the transition from PGPlot to PLplot in Fortran programs | 2013-01-08 17:10:27 |
453954 | Development | python | UNCONFIRMED | dev-python/psycopg - add python 3.3 support | 2013-01-26 15:33:56 |
454504 | Applications | sound | UNCONFIRMED | >=media-sound/mpg123-1.14.4 x32 ABI built with wrong LFS alias | 2013-01-29 14:56:43 |
454934 | Games | hasufell | UNCONFIRMED | games-rpg/grimrock-20121222 segfault loading dungeon editor with USE=system-libs | 2013-02-05 01:39:36 |
455210 | Development | python | UNCONFIRMED | dev-lang/python-3.2.3 fails to build native Parser/pgen while crosscompiling | 2013-02-04 19:42:53 |
455286 | Unspecified | kde | UNCONFIRMED | =media-libs/gstreamer-0.10.36 upgrade causes kde-base/dragon-4.9.5 to crash when playing movies | 2013-02-04 17:58:38 |
455386 | GNOME | gnome | UNCONFIRMED | net-misc/vinagre-3.6.2: No toolbar in fullscreen mode after upgrading to gnome 3.6 for RDP | 2013-02-05 02:29:22 |
458348 | Ebuilds | maintainer-wanted | UNCONFIRMED | dev-db/libodb-pgsql - acess a PostgreSQL database using ODB (dependency of dev-db/odb) | 2013-02-19 22:09:23 |
458530 | Games | games | UNCONFIRMED | suggest new package: games-rpg/deliantra | 2013-02-21 03:19:42 |