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Details of dev-perl/Net-DNS:

Description: Perl Interface to the Domain Name System

available versions:

releasesalphaamd64armhppaia64mipsppcppc64ppc macoss390shsparcx86USE-Flagsdependenciesebuild warnings
Net-DNS-1.500.0 ~++~-~++-~-++minimal
Net-DNS-1.490.0 ~++~-~++-~-++minimal
+ stable
~ testing
- not available
some ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown.

Known bugs:
bug IDcomponentassigned tostatusdescriptionlast change
366535EbuildslackUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/openresolv-3.5.3 - stabilize2013-02-08 20:29:01
368053Ebuildsmaintainer-wantedUNCONFIRMEDnew ebuild : net-dns/yaddns - ddns is a small ddns client with multiple ddns server supports and a h2011-05-19 20:48:37
376315Ebuildsidl0rUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/bind: config-file split2012-05-22 00:07:14
384883Applicationsnet-dialupUNCONFIRMEDnet-dialup/ppp: with net-dns/openresolv /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ stomps /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/40-dns.2011-10-01 02:49:50
406805ApplicationstitanofoldUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/ddclient-3.8.1-r4 - Multiple interface support is broken2012-12-26 12:36:00
413307Servermaintainer-neededUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/sheerdns - default responses2012-04-24 16:05:51
417129Applicationsidl0rUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/bind-tools-9.8.1[ssl] hardcodes OpenSSL path checks which breaks cross-compiling/etc...2013-02-08 06:12:18
417131Applicationsidl0rUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/bind-tools-9.8.1[idn] use prefix (/usr) for idnkit library LDFLAGS when ROOT != /2012-05-23 14:13:56
420013Ebuildsmaintainer-wantedUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/ndjbdns - djbdns without daemontools2012-09-17 08:34:43
423973DevelopmentperlUNCONFIRMEDdev-perl/Net-DNS-0.660.0 and 0.680.0 damages $SIG{} hash when included.2012-06-28 13:41:39
428582ApplicationsmichaelUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/djbdns-1.05-r26: djbdns-setup should source /etc/init.d/functions.sh2013-01-06 09:35:05
428588Applicationsc1pherUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/djbdns: replace setup scripts with documentation2012-07-31 00:05:08
430316Ebuildsidl0rUNCONFIRMEDFeature request: Add a check for sane folder/file permission in net-dns/bind2012-08-07 16:19:51
433441Core systemwilliamhUNCONFIRMEDnet-misc/dhcpcd should RDEPEND on net-dns/bind-tools (for either dig or host)2012-10-14 14:42:50
440460ApplicationsbluenessUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/avahi-0.6.30-r3: some elog messages should only be shown for the first install.2013-01-19 17:29:00
440464ApplicationsxmwUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/dnssec-tools-1.14: some elog messages should only be shown for the first install.2012-10-31 21:15:16
440614ApplicationslackUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/openresolv-3.4.1-r1: order of entries is not consistent with resolvconf -u on interface wake2012-10-31 16:01:39
450406Applicationsidl0rUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/bind-9.9.2_p1: /etc/bind/named.conf now points to /var/bind/root.cache (symlink) instead to 2013-01-07 03:35:32
451132ApplicationsrajivUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/dnstop version bump request2013-02-03 15:00:48
454744Ebuildsmaintainer-wantedUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/validns should depend on new package dev-perl/Test-Command-Simple for src_test()2013-01-31 16:22:52
455072ServerswegenerUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/pdns-3.1 with USE="sqlite3" - checking for SQLITE3... configure: error: +Could not find sqli2013-02-02 17:34:19
456136Libraryidl0rUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/bind-tools with dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1c - nslookup: error: [...] /usr/lib64/engines/libgost.2013-02-11 12:12:54
456396Serveridl0rUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/bind-9.9.2_p1: old named.cache2013-02-10 15:09:02
456412ServerswegenerUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/pdns-3.2 version bump2013-02-10 14:48:24
458018ServerswegenerUNCONFIRMEDnet-dns/pdns need more strict permissions for pdns.conf (security threat)2013-02-17 18:26:06
458514ApplicationsxboxUNCONFIRMEDmedia-tv/xbmc USE=airplay should depend on net-dns/avahi[dbus] and media-libs/libshairport2013-02-21 12:39:06


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