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Details of dev-haskell/errors:
Description: Simplified error-handling
available versions:
releases | alpha | amd64 | arm | hppa | ia64 | mips | ppc | ppc64 | ppc macos | s390 | sh | sparc | x86 | USE-Flags | dependencies | ebuild warnings |
errors-2.3.0-r1 |
- | ~ | - | - | - | - | - | ~ | - | - | - | - | ~ | none | show | show | errors-2.3.0 |
- | ~ | - | - | - | - | - | ~ | - | - | - | - | ~ |
| show | show |
Legend: + stable~ testing- not availablesome ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown. Known bugs:
bug ID | component | assigned to | status | description | last change |
373823 | Tools | tools-portage | UNCONFIRMED | app-portage/gentoolkit- `euse -i` dumps errors about missing repo_name files | 2012-12-25 01:55:28 |
395109 | Unspecified | lu_zero | UNCONFIRMED | media-video/lives-1.4.6 "Capture External Window" fails to render video; errors in console | 2011-12-19 12:16:42 |
400609 | Unspecified | net-mail | UNCONFIRMED | net-mail/perdition-1.18 - fails to build with errors because of a multi line macro in net-libs/vanes | 2012-12-04 18:16:40 |
400843 | Prefix Support | prefix | UNCONFIRMED | dev-python/pygtk-2.24.0-r2 fails to build on OS 10.7 with numerous errors | 2012-07-13 10:10:03 |
413621 | Core system | base-system | UNCONFIRMED | sys-apps/coreutils-8.15 - src_test(): errors setting up rm/deep-2 and du/long-from-unreadable | 2012-11-20 03:30:47 |
414911 | Applications | media-video | UNCONFIRMED | Errors while reading video-dvd with label contains special characters | 2012-05-20 15:31:07 |
427244 | Development | python | UNCONFIRMED | dev-python/networkx 1.7 - Syntax errors / warnings in Python modules for CPython 3.2: File "/usr/lib | 2013-01-22 11:57:15 |
427266 | Applications | ford_prefect | UNCONFIRMED | media-sound/pulseaudio - When playing Flash plugin based video in browsers, .xsession-errors fills u | 2012-12-15 13:05:18 |
427932 | Java | java | UNCONFIRMED | [java-overlay] dev-java/j3d-core-1.5.1: compile phase fails with image resolution errors | 2012-07-24 19:35:50 |
437090 | Server | cluster | UNCONFIRMED | sys-cluster/keepalived-1.2.7-r1 "ip number count" errors | 2012-10-03 18:20:57 |
442320 | InstallCD | release | UNCONFIRMED | install-cd (sparc) - errors at boot | 2012-12-16 05:42:05 |
446934 | Eclasses and Profiles | hattya | UNCONFIRMED | subversion.eclass v1.83 drops local checkout if svn client fails (on transport errors) | 2012-12-12 01:48:29 |
449656 | GNOME | gnome | UNCONFIRMED | gnome-base/gnome-session-3.6.2: No .xsession-errors | 2013-01-12 10:19:26 |
451452 | Core system | robbat2 | UNCONFIRMED | sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.97-r1 - Errors on LV create/delete operations in systemd-196 environment. | 2013-02-07 01:16:09 |
453204 | Library | mobile-phone | UNCONFIRMED | dev-libs/libvformat-1.13-r2: fix some API documentation errors | 2013-01-21 12:38:15 |