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How to make X listen on port 6000

How to make X listen on port 6000






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Details of dev-db/tora:

available versions:

releasesalphaamd64armhppaia64mipsppcppc64ppc macoss390shsparcx86USE-Flagsdependenciesebuild warnings
+ stable
~ testing
- not available
some ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown.

Known bugs:
bug IDcomponentassigned tostatusdescriptionlast change
376435Prefix SupportprefixUNCONFIRMEDnet-libs/libpcap-1.1.1-r1 - ./pcap-usb-linux.c:228: error: storage size of 'ctrl' isn't known2011-12-19 02:04:51
398755ApplicationspatrickUNCONFIRMEDnet-misc/elliptics- - a fault tolerant key/value storage2012-12-25 19:11:17
403301Applicationsx11UNCONFIRMEDx11-apps/intel-gpu-tools-1.1 - work/intel-gpu-tools-1.1/tests/testdisplay.c:760:38: error: storage s2012-02-14 18:04:33
415443Ebuildsmaintainer-wantedUNCONFIRMEDnet-fs/junglediskworkgroup-3.16 - Networked storage/backup using Amazon's S3 service2012-07-28 23:06:49
439060Ebuildsmaintainer-wantedUNCONFIRMEDsci-electronics/openhantek-0.2.0 and -9999 - Digital Storage Osziloscope2012-10-20 15:41:18
439396Ebuildsmaintainer-wantedUNCONFIRMEDmedia-sound/postfish - The Postfish is a digital audio post-processing, restoration, filtering and m2012-10-26 06:43:41
444602ApplicationsvirtualizationUNCONFIRMEDapp-emulation/virtinst-0.600.3 - Exception in thread Checking storage allocation2013-02-16 18:03:56
450440Core systemmaintainer-wantedUNCONFIRMEDnet-fs/xtreemfs - XtreemFS is a fault-tolerant distributed file system for all storage needs2013-01-07 02:42:31
451668ApplicationsproaudioUNCONFIRMEDmedia-sound/lash-0.5.4-r1 with sys-devel/gcc-4.7.2 - lash.c:203:19: error: storage size of ‘max_fds’2013-02-03 22:16:12
455498ApplicationshaubiUNCONFIRMEDdev-db/tora-2.1.4 version bump2013-02-21 10:45:19


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