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How to make X listen on port 6000






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Details of app-xemacs/debug:

Description: GUD, gdb, dbx debugging support

available versions:

releasesalphaamd64armhppaia64mipsppcppc64ppc macoss390shsparcx86USE-Flagsdependenciesebuild warnings
debug-1.21 ~+-~--++---++none
+ stable
~ testing
- not available
some ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown.

Known bugs:
bug IDcomponentassigned tostatusdescriptionlast change
374337ApplicationsgraphicsUNCONFIRMEDmedia-gfx/hugin-2011.0.0 : ebuild need a debug USE flag2012-01-30 07:37:54
378557Librarymedia-videoUNCONFIRMEDmedia-libs/libvpx-0.9.7: Compile failure with debug USE flag - "No rule to make target, 2012-09-15 05:01:43
381925Applicationsc1pherUNCONFIRMEDnet-ftp/yafc-1.1.2 debug and ls does not work2011-09-20 19:38:06
389033Prefix SupportprefixUNCONFIRMEDNew keywords and patches for dev-php/{xdebug,xdebug-client}-2.1.2 and eclass: ~{x86,x64}-macos2011-11-30 13:58:11
432864Libraryx11UNCONFIRMED[x11 overlay] x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-9999: add debug USE flag2012-09-14 15:51:14
435110Core systemtoolchainUNCONFIRMEDsys-devel/binutils: ar mishandles 4GB files (causing net-libs/webkit-gtk build to fail with debug fl2013-01-01 20:56:38
441666Unspecifiedx11UNCONFIRMEDmedia-libs/mesa: Install symlinks with splitdebug2012-11-04 00:12:13
442912KDEkdeUNCONFIRMEDkde-misc/kio-upnp-ms-1.0.0_p20110602 works only if the debug IUSE flag is set2012-11-12 20:02:48
449794Ebuildsmaintainer-wantedUNCONFIRMEDapp-emulation/tilem-2.0 - an emulator and debugger for Texas Instruments Z80-based graphing calculat2013-01-03 00:16:42
454084ApplicationsgurligebisUNCONFIRMEDnet-wireless/hostapd USE=-debug prints no messages2013-01-26 15:49:39
455076LibraryxmwUNCONFIRMEDmedia-gfx/zbar - In file included from from /usr/include/stdio.h:937:0, from zbar/debug.h:60, zbar/s2013-02-10 16:49:05
457772Ebuildsmaintainer-wantedUNCONFIRMEDdev-util/adobe-flash-debugger - Adobe Flash Player content debugger2013-02-17 00:25:37


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