Details of net-print/splix:

Description: A set of CUPS printer drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers

available versions:

releasesalphaamd64armhppaia64mipsppcppc64ppc macoss390shsparcx86USE-Flagsdependenciesebuild warnings
splix-2.0.1 -+----------++jbig
You *MUST* make sure that the PPD files that CUPS is using
for actually installed printers are updated if you upgraded
from a previous version of splix!
Otherwise you will be unable to print (your printer might
spit out blank pages etc.).
To do that, simply delete the corresponding PPD file in
/etc/cups/ppd/, click on 'Modify Printer' belonging to the
corresponding printer in the CUPS webinterface (usually
reachable via http://localhost:631/) and choose the correct
printer make and model, for example:
'Samsung' -> 'Samsung ML-1610, 1.0 (en)'
splix-2.0.0_p20130826-r1 -+----------++jbig
You *MUST* make sure that the PPD files that CUPS is using
for actually installed printers are updated if you upgraded
from a previous version of splix!
Otherwise you will be unable to print (your printer might
spit out blank pages etc.).
To do that, simply delete the corresponding PPD file in
/etc/cups/ppd/, click on 'Modify Printer' belonging to the
corresponding printer in the CUPS webinterface (usually
reachable via http://localhost:631/) and choose the correct
printer make and model, for example:
'Samsung' -> 'Samsung ML-1610, 1.0 (en)'
+ stable
~ testing
- not available
some ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown.

no tutorial found
