Details of dev-db/mysql:
Description: A fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database serverHomepage:
available versions:
releases | alpha | amd64 | arm | hppa | ia64 | mips | ppc | ppc64 | ppc macos | s390 | sh | sparc | x86 | USE-Flags | dependencies | ebuild warnings |
mysql-8.0.41 | - | ~ | ~ | ~ | - | ~ | - | ~ | - | ~ | - | ~ | ~ | cjk cracklib debug jemalloc latin1 numa +perl profiling router selinux +server tcmalloc test test-install | show | You are using a custom charset of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET} and a collation of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION}. You MUST file bugs without these variables set. Tests will probably fail! test '${rawtestname}' disabled: '${reason}' (BUG#${bug}) /dev/shm not mounted, setting default MTR_PARALLEL to 1. Tests will take a long time For maximum test coverage, please raise open file limit to 16500 (ulimit -n 16500) before calling the package manager. For medium test coverage please raise open file limit to 4162 (ulimit -n 4162) before calling the package manager. For minimum test coverage, please raise open file limit to 3000 (ulimit -n 3000) before calling the package manager. Looks like your data directory '${MY_DATADIR}' is already initialized! Please rename or delete its content if you wish to initialize a new data directory. Client configuration '${config_file}' not found. Skipping configuration of default authentication plugin for client ... Server configuration '${config_file}' not found Skipping configuration of default authentication plugin for mysqld ... Ignoring password from '${tmp_mysqld_password_source}' section due to newline character! (Do you have multiple password options set?) NOTE: Please avoid [\ WARNING: mysqld[$(cat |
mysql-8.0.40 | - | ~ | ~ | ~ | - | ~ | - | ~ | - | ~ | - | ~ | ~ | cjk cracklib debug jemalloc latin1 numa +perl profiling router selinux +server tcmalloc test | show | You are using a custom charset of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET} and a collation of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION}. You MUST file bugs without these variables set. Tests will probably fail! test '${rawtestname}' disabled: '${reason}' (BUG#${bug}) /dev/shm not mounted, setting default MTR_PARALLEL to 1. Tests will take a long time For maximum test coverage, please raise open file limit to 16500 (ulimit -n 16500) before calling the package manager. For medium test coverage please raise open file limit to 4162 (ulimit -n 4162) before calling the package manager. For minimum test coverage, please raise open file limit to 3000 (ulimit -n 3000) before calling the package manager. Looks like your data directory '${MY_DATADIR}' is already initialized! Please rename or delete its content if you wish to initialize a new data directory. Client configuration '${config_file}' not found; Skipping configuration of default authentication plugin for client ... Server configuration '${config_file}' not found; Skipping configuration of default authentication plugin for mysqld ... Ignoring password from '${tmp_mysqld_password_source}' section due to newline character (do you have multiple password options set?)! NOTE: Please avoid [\ WARNING: mysqld[$(cat |
mysql-8.0.37 | - | + | + | ~ | - | ~ | - | + | - | ~ | - | ~ | + | cjk cracklib debug jemalloc latin1 numa +perl profiling router selinux +server tcmalloc test | show | You are using a custom charset of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET} and a collation of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION}. You MUST file bugs without these variables set. Tests will probably fail! test '${rawtestname}' disabled: '${reason}' (BUG#${bug}) Skipping server tests due to minimal build! For maximum test coverage, please raise open file limit to 16500 (ulimit -n 16500) before calling the package manager. For medium test coverage please raise open file limit to 4162 (ulimit -n 4162) before calling the package manager. For minimum test coverage, please raise open file limit to 3000 (ulimit -n 3000) before calling the package manager. Looks like your data directory '${MY_DATADIR}' is already initialized! Please rename or delete its content if you wish to initialize a new data directory. Client configuration '${config_file}' not found; Skipping configuration of default authentication plugin for client ... Server configuration '${config_file}' not found; Skipping configuration of default authentication plugin for mysqld ... Ignoring password from '${tmp_mysqld_password_source}' section due to newline character (do you have multiple password options set?)! NOTE: Please avoid [\ WARNING: mysqld[$(cat |
mysql-5.7.41 | - | + | + | ~ | - | ~ | ~ | + | - | ~ | - | ~ | + | cjk client-libs cracklib debug experimental jemalloc latin1 numa +perl profiling selinux +server static static-libs systemtap tcmalloc test | show | Failure to run revdep-rebuild may cause issues with other programs or libraries You are using a custom charset of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET} and a collation of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION}. You MUST file bugs without these variables set. test '${rawtestname}' disabled: '${reason}' For maximum test coverage please raise open file limit to 16500 (ulimit -n 16500) before calling the package manager. For medium test coverage please raise open file limit to 4162 (ulimit -n 4162) before calling the package manager. For minimum test coverage please raise open file limit to 3000 (ulimit -n 3000) before calling the package manager. Looks like your data directory '${MY_DATADIR}' is already initialized! Please rename or delete its content if you wish to initialize a new data directory. Ignoring password from '${tmp_mysqld_password_source}' section due to newline character (do you have multiple password options set?)! NOTE: Please avoid [\ WARNING: mysqld[$(cat |
+ stable
~ testing
- not available
some ebuild warning depend on specific use-flags or architectures, all ebuild-warnings are shown.