edit this articleenabling opera like mouse gestures in Konqueror
Start the Control Center, pick Regional & Accessibility and select "Input Actions"
Expand the Konqueror gestures
Pick one gesture to modify, e.g. "New Tab"
On the right, switch display to "Gestures"
You can see the current gesture(s) as an image.
Click on Edit
Click on "Clear" to reset the gesture.
Draw your new gesture 3 times (use the left mouse), you will see them in the lower left.
If they were 3 times the same, click on OK.
Change all gestures to ones you like and click on Apply.
The default is to use the middle mouse button (mousewheel button).
To change that, go to "Global Settings".
Pick "Gesture Settings" and select the desired mouse button in the dropdown.
Start Konqueror and try the settings.
have fun.
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