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This tip was submitted by developer Caleb Tennis

I saw a user post this in a bug comment, and thought it was a good idea. In your .bashrc file, add the line:

Code Listing 1

alias akmrg='ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge'

This will allow you to emerge unstable ebuilds by typing akmrg foo instead of the more cumbersome ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge foo.

However, if you always want to have certain keywords in place when emerging particular ebuilds, the recommended way is to edit /etc/portage/package.keywords.

For example, to have net-misc/totd emerged with the ~x86 keyword, add the following:

Code Listing 2

net-misc/totd ~x86

This also makes using the --upgrade-only option of emerge unnecessary.


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